Saturday, July 5, 2008

The Elements of Style

Q. Alright, Mr. Nathans. The other day we went through your qualifications. Today we're going to continue the deposition by looking at your work.

A. Okay.

Q. So let's start with this. What is this an ad for?

A. Those are my driving directions to this place.

Q. Of course.

A. Here. Start with this. It's a campaign for The Elements of Style, a book on English grammar and usage.

Q. "My trophy wife and kids." "My trophy wife and kids." "See the difference in your writing." I don't get it. It's the same sentence twice.

A. Yeah, but each line is punctuated differently and that affects the visuals.

Q. Oh! Now I see. The woman on the left is obese and the woman on the right has a flattering figure. Wait, why?

A. Because the sentence on the left is punctuated to refer to a trophy, a wife, and kids. And the sentence on the right is punctuated to refer to a trophy wife and kids.

Q. Let me ask you a question, Mr. Nathans. How long do you expect consumers to spend deciphering a cryptic advertisement like this?

A. I don't know.

Q. Alright. Let's look at the next one. "Let's discuss this further." "Let's discuss this farther." On the left two men are conversing and on the right they are conversing at a greater distance. Okay, now this I get. My secretary confuses these two words all the time. Very witty, Mr. Nathans. Anything farther on this campaign?

A. Further.

Q. That's what I said.

A. You said farther, which refers to distance, not quantity.

Q. I don't believe I did.

A. Can we have the court reporter read it back?

Q. No, that won't be necessary.

My secretary confuses these two words all the time. Very witty, Mr. Nathans. Anything farther on this campaign?

Q. Well, these stenographers type pretty fast so you never know. Anyway, do you have any other ads for this grammar book?

A. One more. Here.

Q. "Last night James laid in bed." "Last night James lied in bed." The man on the left is laying in bed and on the right he appears to be indicating the size of his genitalia a woman.

A. Right.

Q. Mr. Nathans, during your tenure at The Creative Circus, were you ever admonished about making dick jokes in your work?

A. Yes.

Q. And do you consider this ad to be a dick joke?

A. I guess.

Q. Okay. Let's move on.